Saturday, May 2, 2020

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you know those girls that like the most popular guy in school but he never seems to know you exist so you do the one dare no one has dared to go and even though she knows this is not the smartest idea she is determined to find out the secrets of this place and win the most popular guys love.... this is the story of Leila gray and la petite circus...

Leila was the only girl in her class who didn't know how her crush Blake felt about her so one day she decided she was going to go to his party to figure it out. when she got there they were playing truth and dare and she somehow got sucked in she obviously went first seeing as everyone knew about her crush on Blake. when all was said and done with all the other dares that they could do inside the house they dragged Laila to hers she was dared to spend an entire night in the abandoned circus called la petite. everyone knew the stories about la petite it was an abandoned circus in the middle of a carnival they say that its haunted by the previous owners and workers and that no one had come out. but despite all the stories Leila was determined to impress Blake even if it was the last thing that she did. so she braved herself and entered big tent with gaping red doors that menaced the whole park she twisted the door knobs while her palms were sweating just a little bit but she didn't show the quivering fear on her face because other than this Leila wasn't scared of anything except the truth about how Blake really felt about her. The doors opened slowly it was dark looking down the hallway and as she turned back to wave to her friends she realized they had all vanished so she walked into the circus as the doors slammed loudly closed behind her. She started walking as she started to smell sulfur which normally in those cheesy ghost movies is how you know there is a ghost looming around you she didn't see anything but wondered why it smelt like that. She looked up to notice an ominous figure standing 10 feet away from where she stand she didn't know whether she should run or hide so she did what any rational person would do she ran towards the doors as she noticed them getting smaller. She looked back to see the figure not chasing her which she thought was very peculiar she wondered why it wasn't chasing after her but then she thought to herself maybe this ghost was nice and didn't want to harm her but wanted to help her escape this place because it knew no humans belonged there. She wanted to see what it wanted so she called out to it "Hey! ghost what do you want from me?" she said. No answer was given though considering its a ghost then the ghost started to rush away so Leila decided she was to chase after it she wanted answers from this place and she was bound and determined to get them. she raced down the long dark corridors after the ghost suddenly they came to a stop at a big door with the letters printed "Do not enter you will die!". Obviously Leila didn't want to die but she was intrigued as to why the ghost had led her there so she decided maybe its not that bad I'm sure I wont die so she twisted the handle and pushed open the door to the room a cool blast rushed her as she opened to door she stepped into the room and it was ice cold she had so many shivering chills she could see her breath. She was ready to find out why the ghost had led her there so she started rummaging through the filing cabinets that lined the walls all she found in their was numerous amounts of newspaper articles she wondered why the ghost chose her to find the newspaper articles what about all the other kids that entered the la petite circus did they see these too. Millions of questions swarmed Leila's head as she decided she was going to read on of the newspapers headings it read "Bunch of high schoolers go missing after truth or dare game goes bad at la petite circus". Leila's face was as pale as that ghost she realized it was her friends and Blake they were the ones who told her she had to go the party that it would be super fun and they were the ones who suggested that she play truth or dare. Oh My Gosh they lured her there on purpose but why were they ghosts now? were they planning on killing Leila and making her a ghost to spend the rest of eternity with them? She rushed back out the door she had come through and turned the corner. She then saw all of her friends ominously looking at her from every corner and jumped back against a wall she was so astounded that her so called friends led her there. She called out to them demanding answers "why did yall bring me here is this fake or is this just one of those pranks you guys pull on your friends at the parties" she said. Blake stepped up and yelled to Leila "No! its not a prank we tried to get all of these people to come to la petite but you were the only one who agreed because of your crush on me." Leila was stunned that the ghosts of her friends had used her she was done with this game she ran as fast as she could towards the big red doors at the end of the hall but when she got there it was locked she turned around to see her friends surrounding her this was the end for Leila. The ghosts started yelling "you'll be with us forever" as they gathered around Leila until all you heard was a piercing scream but no one would hear because the circus had been abandoned for years. No one ever saw Leila gray again rumors have it you can still hear her scream echo through the hallway on Friday the 13th.....