Saturday, May 2, 2020

Graphic narrative:
See the source image

you know those girls that like the most popular guy in school but he never seems to know you exist so you do the one dare no one has dared to go and even though she knows this is not the smartest idea she is determined to find out the secrets of this place and win the most popular guys love.... this is the story of Leila gray and la petite circus...

Leila was the only girl in her class who didn't know how her crush Blake felt about her so one day she decided she was going to go to his party to figure it out. when she got there they were playing truth and dare and she somehow got sucked in she obviously went first seeing as everyone knew about her crush on Blake. when all was said and done with all the other dares that they could do inside the house they dragged Laila to hers she was dared to spend an entire night in the abandoned circus called la petite. everyone knew the stories about la petite it was an abandoned circus in the middle of a carnival they say that its haunted by the previous owners and workers and that no one had come out. but despite all the stories Leila was determined to impress Blake even if it was the last thing that she did. so she braved herself and entered big tent with gaping red doors that menaced the whole park she twisted the door knobs while her palms were sweating just a little bit but she didn't show the quivering fear on her face because other than this Leila wasn't scared of anything except the truth about how Blake really felt about her. The doors opened slowly it was dark looking down the hallway and as she turned back to wave to her friends she realized they had all vanished so she walked into the circus as the doors slammed loudly closed behind her. She started walking as she started to smell sulfur which normally in those cheesy ghost movies is how you know there is a ghost looming around you she didn't see anything but wondered why it smelt like that. She looked up to notice an ominous figure standing 10 feet away from where she stand she didn't know whether she should run or hide so she did what any rational person would do she ran towards the doors as she noticed them getting smaller. She looked back to see the figure not chasing her which she thought was very peculiar she wondered why it wasn't chasing after her but then she thought to herself maybe this ghost was nice and didn't want to harm her but wanted to help her escape this place because it knew no humans belonged there. She wanted to see what it wanted so she called out to it "Hey! ghost what do you want from me?" she said. No answer was given though considering its a ghost then the ghost started to rush away so Leila decided she was to chase after it she wanted answers from this place and she was bound and determined to get them. she raced down the long dark corridors after the ghost suddenly they came to a stop at a big door with the letters printed "Do not enter you will die!". Obviously Leila didn't want to die but she was intrigued as to why the ghost had led her there so she decided maybe its not that bad I'm sure I wont die so she twisted the handle and pushed open the door to the room a cool blast rushed her as she opened to door she stepped into the room and it was ice cold she had so many shivering chills she could see her breath. She was ready to find out why the ghost had led her there so she started rummaging through the filing cabinets that lined the walls all she found in their was numerous amounts of newspaper articles she wondered why the ghost chose her to find the newspaper articles what about all the other kids that entered the la petite circus did they see these too. Millions of questions swarmed Leila's head as she decided she was going to read on of the newspapers headings it read "Bunch of high schoolers go missing after truth or dare game goes bad at la petite circus". Leila's face was as pale as that ghost she realized it was her friends and Blake they were the ones who told her she had to go the party that it would be super fun and they were the ones who suggested that she play truth or dare. Oh My Gosh they lured her there on purpose but why were they ghosts now? were they planning on killing Leila and making her a ghost to spend the rest of eternity with them? She rushed back out the door she had come through and turned the corner. She then saw all of her friends ominously looking at her from every corner and jumped back against a wall she was so astounded that her so called friends led her there. She called out to them demanding answers "why did yall bring me here is this fake or is this just one of those pranks you guys pull on your friends at the parties" she said. Blake stepped up and yelled to Leila "No! its not a prank we tried to get all of these people to come to la petite but you were the only one who agreed because of your crush on me." Leila was stunned that the ghosts of her friends had used her she was done with this game she ran as fast as she could towards the big red doors at the end of the hall but when she got there it was locked she turned around to see her friends surrounding her this was the end for Leila. The ghosts started yelling "you'll be with us forever" as they gathered around Leila until all you heard was a piercing scream but no one would hear because the circus had been abandoned for years. No one ever saw Leila gray again rumors have it you can still hear her scream echo through the hallway on Friday the 13th.....

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

English blog post 8:
once there was an 18 year old girl she had something that she couldn't get how to ride a bike and it troubled her deeply. she just wanted to feel normal but that clearly was something she would never feel. it seemed so weird that she would never ever get to go on a bike ride with her parents and that made her quite sad. what could she do though? her problem was long rooted to from when she was born.

The reason she never knew how to ride is a long story. on October 15 a bright eyed little girl was born she was always a happy girl. as she grew up she realized that she wasn't like other people she couldn't run or walk like the other girls and that came with a lot of other issues one of those was that she was bullied. fast forward a couple years she wanted answers so she went to shriners hospital where they ran a bunch of tests now she learned that she had charceut marie tooth disorder. its a nerve disorder in her ankles that causes her to have different issues that vary sometimes.

the reason she pursued this is because it made her feel like she was not normal yeah she knew she wasn't normal but in a funny way and now she isn't normal in a doctors opinion. she always tried to ride bikes because when she did therapy as a little girl they pushed her to do things she didn't want to do. so why shouldn't she push herself in her day to day life.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

English honors blog post #7

1. Arthur's reaction is very bland and boring and like he doesn't care that ford lied to him and its not worth dealing with at the moment now that the world is ending there anything we can do about it and if he can wear a paper bag because that's what they told them in the army and supposedly it helps

3. because as soon as his house went down and he was yelling and screaming prosser looked up into the sky to see impossibly huge yellow things shooting through the sky

Prediction: I'm thinking that maybe if they had not knocked down the house then maybe the world wouldn't be ending I think they should've listened to Arthur all this time.

theme: its a an alien human story where the world is ending if only they had listened to Arthur and ford
characters: Arthur dent and ford prefect they are friends who figured out the world is going to end and there is really nothing to do about it
plot: they started worrying about Arthurs house and how it was going to be demolished and then they decided to come up with a plan only to find out that them demolishing the house would bring the end of the world.
setting: in a small town full of aliens and humans

English honors blog post #6
Satire cartoons:
See the source image

See the source image

irony cartoons:

See the source image

See the source image

"families are like branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one"
satirical: we all grow on the same branches in my family but our roots are everywhere.

English honors blog post #5

excerpt 1:
"the word bulldozer wandered through his mind for a moment in search of something to connect it with"

why? I just find it funny that he's sitting there thinking of the word bulldozer but whenever he passes the actual bulldozer in his yard he's so oblivious like come on how do you not see a big yellow bulldozer and you think maybe its a coincidence that your trying to find out how to connect it like I'm pretty sure the word bulldozer doesn't just magically pop into my head.

excerpt 2:
"Arthur lay in the mud and squelched at him"

why? I understand that Arthur wants to save his house but come on I just think its hilarious that he just laid down in front of bulldozer like are you mad man yeah saving your house is cool and all but I would not get run over for a stupid house but my life is more important!

excerpt 3:
"he frowned, then smiled, then tried to do both at once, failed"

why? I honestly liked this one because I want to see how funny and ridiculous this face looks I feel like I would look the worst out of anyone that tried to make that face.

theme of the story so far is a comical alien and human race book and they are trying to save Arthurs house and they deal with other things on the way.
creative writing blog post #6

See the source image

Leila was the only girl in her class who didn't know how her crush Blake felt about her so one day she decided she was going to go to his party to figure it out. when she got there they were playing truth and dare and she somehow got sucked in she obviously went first seeing as everyone knew about her crush on Blake. when all was said and done with all the other dares that they could do inside the house they dragged Laila to hers she was dared to spend and entire night in the abandoned circus called la petite. everyone knew the stories about la petite it was an abandoned circus in the middle of a carnival they say that its haunted by the previous owners and workers and that no one had come out. but despite all the stories Leila was determined to impress Blake even if it was the last thing that she did. so she braved herself and entered big tent with gaping red doors that menaced the whole park she twisted the door knobs while her palms were sweating just a little bit but she didn't show the quivering fear on her face because other than this Leila wasn't scared of anything except the truth about how Blake really felt about her.
creative writing blog post #5

setting: We enter in the beginning with an abandoned circus its huge and bright you cant miss it from the street corner instead of swinging open by flaps it has big red doors that glow in the moonlight few dare to enter and few come out alive the circus is rumored to be haunted by all the previous workers they also say that you go insane in there because the previous workers drive you insane by tutoring you by how they died.

emotions: everyone is scared to go near it but the few who dare even though they act tough they get spine chittering tingles as they walk up to the menacing doors and as they go deeper into the circus they are overcome with fear so sickening they can barely walk cause their knees are trembling so bad.

action: you try to escape before they catch you ther is a series of doors that you have to go through to get to the end of the show so you try your best to finish all the doors but they say none have made it out alive and if any do I would imagine they would go to the mental asylum because no one would believe them.

characters: Leila is a strong independent girl who thinks if she does this her crush will end up liking her but that's not all she has to worry about she decided she has to brave it alone.....

Monday, April 13, 2020

Title: Haunted in secrets!
Leila: main character
I don't really know all the characters yet
setting: a dusty old mansion in the middle of the woods that no one will go through because there supposedly has had a string of murders.
plot: when Leila is dared to go to the murder mansion will she chicken out? or will she stay the entire night and see what happens when the clock strikes 3:00
inspiration: all the horror movies I've ever watched with my dad. those murder mystery type parties and paranormal activity
theme: Horror
creative writing post 3:
The graphic novel I have chosen yes may seem quite babyish but its really the only graphic novel that has caught my eye and I've read all the way through so don't judge me. My graphic novel is babymouse it was my favorite as a kid I used to check every single babymouse book there was and read them multiple times.

Babymouse is a girl who loves to daydream. When someone reminds her it's almost valentine's day she becomes excited seeing as its her favorite holiday. When she finds out that her school is hosting a valentines day dance she starts panicking trying to find a date. This is a graphic novel because of the conflict of her finding a date and how she overcomes this all in picture form. the elements it contains are the black and white pages but only she is colored and the writing and text. two things the novel does well is it keeps the storyline moving and the endings are inresting. Make my character as strong and courageous as the main character in the graphic story.

two recommendations of graphic novels:
slow chocolate autopsy and murder mysteries because i'm a big criminal justice buff.

creative writing post 2:

what is a graphic novel to me?
 a graphic novel is a big story with many twists and turns that has a bunch of pictures. I also feel like there is no style when it comes to wriing a graphic novel its free form it doesn't really have to be a certain way. The word graphic novel always reminds me of comics cause that's basically what it is. graphic novels are very open anf fun to read.

The internet's definition of a graphic novel: to simply put it is a novel in comic-strip format.

I don't really have a lot of expiriences with graphic novels I think I have only read one comic that really peeked my intrest. I can't really remember what it was called  but I know it was about a tiny little black and pink girl she went through a lot of struggles and no one thought she could handle them but she showed them. When I read that I was in elementary so it's been a long time since ive read one which is really sad. i would like to start looking for ones that peek my intrests so if you have any please comment below.

The style of graphic novels is really cool and interesting to look at because the graphics are what help you picture the story not just in your mind but literally and I find that kinda cool. Also graphic novels are differnet from other things because they have pictures and other key elements and not every story has that all genres are different no two are the same. To me what really pulls me in is what I read on the back abot what the book is about and if i like that then it intriques me to read it it's got to have a hook!

Creative writing post 1:

about me:
I was born in 2001 to my loving parents Kristine and Elijah supposedly I was the planned one I don't know how that happened. I am a sister to two sisters we don't get along very well abby is the oldest and somehow even though she doesn't live here she still always seems to be around on ft and Jordyn is the youngest shes my pain but we also laugh together a lot. I was born in tampa and boy do I want to leave I think florida has offered me everything but I like to dream big so I feel like its time to move on.

My favorite things to do in my free time is painting and singing. painting is like kind of my escape from reality if I'm having problems or family issues i just sit down and start painting my feelings I actually want to put the words "paint your feelings beautifully" on a canvas but also being how indesicive I am I have not figured out what color to do the back. As for singing its a family thing we all play a musical instrument or sing so is a way of thinking about my family and connecting with them.

I'm actually really excited about this blogging thing because i feel like its a way to get out of my head and let my creative juices flow while sitting at home bored on a laptop.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

How does the story begin?

the story begins by opening on a house that sits on a rise just on the edge of the village.

How does this help to introduce the main protagonist?

this helps us to meet the protagonist by giving us the pretext of what the house looks like and that it was the first house he lived in when he first moved to London.

How would you describe Arthur dent?

I would describe Arthur dent as a quiet man who normally is by himself and oddly cares a lot about his house and saving it.

how does this introduction set up the main plot of the novel?

The introduction tells us why the house is so important to Arthur hat he is trying to save it so I'm assuming that whats will continue the story plot.

who is ford prefect?

ford prefect is arthurs friend that moved to earth fifteen years ago and decided that he was to be named ford prefect.

How are we introduced to ford prefect?

we are introduced to him when Arthur goes to talk to the county person and he says not at all and it reminds hi of his friend.

how is the relationship between ford and Arthur?

they are friendly with each other and I don't think they see each other much but Arthur seems to have questions about him.

why was ford really on earth?

he got stranded on their planet so he was hoping soon that a flying saucer would come to rescue him.

why does he like towels so much?

maybe because they remind him of home.

one prediction is that they are going to get so close to saving arthurs house and as soon as there about to something foils there plans.

1. A pocket knife
Image result for pocket knifeI chose this item because it helps with a lot things when it comes to survival. It will aid in my survival because if I need to open something I an cut it open or cut something do. I also can use it to help with food if I need it to open fruits or other things and if it comes to it if I plan correctly I would hunt food with it as well obviously I would need a much bigger one. hey I know this isn't necessary but if I get bored I can use to whittle wood which my dad taught me to do before mom took the knife away.

2. A first aid kit
Image result for first aid kitI would take a first kit because you never know what could happen. this first kit can help me survive literally. I can use it in case I get injured and need to patch myself up and I could stick extra things in the little pouches after I've used all of the necessities in it. I can use the tweezers to pull things out of hard to reach spaces and if I'm hurt bad. you could also use some things mixed with others to create a diversion. and water
Image result for food and waterfood and water is a big necessity to your survival you need it to live. yes you can live a certain amount of time without food and water by why do it if you don't need to. I honestly think I would rather some other way then starving and dehydrating myself wouldn't you. water can be use to help clean things and can help make mud in case you need to blend in with your surroundings it can never hurt.

Friday, April 3, 2020

a parody is its the way an author an advertiser presents there product or book in a funny creative way. in my opinion parodies are meant to grab your attention and make you laugh so that you look into it more.

See the source image
Blog post 2:
"the first key to wisdom is constant doubting we are led to inquiry by inquiry we discern the truth."-peter abeland (1079-1142)

"it is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers."- James Thurber(1894-1961)

what does the first quote mean?: I believe that it is saying the more you ask questions the more truth you will get. say that someone cheated on you and the more you grill them the more pressure it will put on them and they will finally crack!

what does the second quote mean?: I think it means that the question is better than the answer because knowing all the answers could cause you pain but if you know the question it can maybe put your mind at ease.

quote 1 in my own words: questioning things so much can lead us to think and think until we finally find out the truth cause we deserved it.

quote 2 in my own words: its better to have a question than to know all the answers to that questions you want to ask.

how do both quotes connect to you and society?: it relates to me a lot with my surgery and my nerve disorder. I had a lot of questions about it when I was younger and wanted to know why did god do this to me? why I thought he loved me? but I personally think that now I don't want to know the answer because it'll hurt more than the question itself. I have opened up and searched for those answers but who knows if they will ever come. it relates to us as society because the whole world is always going to have those burning questions but the answer isn't always what we need we were put on this earth to live life to the fullest but there will always be questions.


Thursday, April 2, 2020

See the source imagealways and forever has always meant something to me because I say it a lot to the people and friends I'm closest with. if I say this to someone it means you are worth a lot in my life and I care about you so when I say this I wouldn't mess up our friendship.
See the source image sunflowers have been in my life for a little while ever since my mom's bestfriend brought me a sunflower after I had my surgery last year it was a sign of hope and that I was strong enough to overcome this struggle. sunflowers also make me smile a lot they just represent happiness and the sun for me and that's always when I'm happiest when I'm in the sun.
   See the source image  love has been a big thing for me to find because my life has not always been the easiest to find someone who loves every part of me. I've had lots of struggles and I still cant find someone that will be that and be there for me. I have learned a lot through past relationships there is someone out there for everyone even me.
See the source image Butterflies are so beautiful and majestic to me they are so light and go just about anywhere and do what they want. I admire that because I need to have the remembrance that I can do anything I want and go out and conquer the world. they can just fly away sometimes I need that I just want to do that myself so I'm a little jealous.
See the source image I love the movie Rapunzel and painting it makes me happy and content and it is very therapeutic. I have painted before but I just recently got really into it I have painted a total of 4 paintings so far. Rapunzel does a lot of painting and I hope to paint on my walls one day when I have my own house.
See the source imagemusic has been apart of me all my life its really what makes me who I am. my whole family on my moms side of the family sings or plays some sort of instrument so you can say I grew up with it. I always am singing in my house at the store if I know a song on the intercom I sing everywhere and I also love all types of music. I listened to the Beatles when I was little thanks to my grandpa.