Monday, April 13, 2020

creative writing post 3:
The graphic novel I have chosen yes may seem quite babyish but its really the only graphic novel that has caught my eye and I've read all the way through so don't judge me. My graphic novel is babymouse it was my favorite as a kid I used to check every single babymouse book there was and read them multiple times.

Babymouse is a girl who loves to daydream. When someone reminds her it's almost valentine's day she becomes excited seeing as its her favorite holiday. When she finds out that her school is hosting a valentines day dance she starts panicking trying to find a date. This is a graphic novel because of the conflict of her finding a date and how she overcomes this all in picture form. the elements it contains are the black and white pages but only she is colored and the writing and text. two things the novel does well is it keeps the storyline moving and the endings are inresting. Make my character as strong and courageous as the main character in the graphic story.

two recommendations of graphic novels:
slow chocolate autopsy and murder mysteries because i'm a big criminal justice buff.

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