Tuesday, April 21, 2020

English honors blog post #5

excerpt 1:
"the word bulldozer wandered through his mind for a moment in search of something to connect it with"

why? I just find it funny that he's sitting there thinking of the word bulldozer but whenever he passes the actual bulldozer in his yard he's so oblivious like come on how do you not see a big yellow bulldozer and you think maybe its a coincidence that your trying to find out how to connect it like I'm pretty sure the word bulldozer doesn't just magically pop into my head.

excerpt 2:
"Arthur lay in the mud and squelched at him"

why? I understand that Arthur wants to save his house but come on I just think its hilarious that he just laid down in front of bulldozer like are you mad man yeah saving your house is cool and all but I would not get run over for a stupid house but my life is more important!

excerpt 3:
"he frowned, then smiled, then tried to do both at once, failed"

why? I honestly liked this one because I want to see how funny and ridiculous this face looks I feel like I would look the worst out of anyone that tried to make that face.

theme of the story so far is a comical alien and human race book and they are trying to save Arthurs house and they deal with other things on the way.

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