Monday, April 13, 2020

Creative writing post 1:

about me:
I was born in 2001 to my loving parents Kristine and Elijah supposedly I was the planned one I don't know how that happened. I am a sister to two sisters we don't get along very well abby is the oldest and somehow even though she doesn't live here she still always seems to be around on ft and Jordyn is the youngest shes my pain but we also laugh together a lot. I was born in tampa and boy do I want to leave I think florida has offered me everything but I like to dream big so I feel like its time to move on.

My favorite things to do in my free time is painting and singing. painting is like kind of my escape from reality if I'm having problems or family issues i just sit down and start painting my feelings I actually want to put the words "paint your feelings beautifully" on a canvas but also being how indesicive I am I have not figured out what color to do the back. As for singing its a family thing we all play a musical instrument or sing so is a way of thinking about my family and connecting with them.

I'm actually really excited about this blogging thing because i feel like its a way to get out of my head and let my creative juices flow while sitting at home bored on a laptop.

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