Tuesday, April 21, 2020

creative writing blog post #5

setting: We enter in the beginning with an abandoned circus its huge and bright you cant miss it from the street corner instead of swinging open by flaps it has big red doors that glow in the moonlight few dare to enter and few come out alive the circus is rumored to be haunted by all the previous workers they also say that you go insane in there because the previous workers drive you insane by tutoring you by how they died.

emotions: everyone is scared to go near it but the few who dare even though they act tough they get spine chittering tingles as they walk up to the menacing doors and as they go deeper into the circus they are overcome with fear so sickening they can barely walk cause their knees are trembling so bad.

action: you try to escape before they catch you ther is a series of doors that you have to go through to get to the end of the show so you try your best to finish all the doors but they say none have made it out alive and if any do I would imagine they would go to the mental asylum because no one would believe them.

characters: Leila is a strong independent girl who thinks if she does this her crush will end up liking her but that's not all she has to worry about she decided she has to brave it alone.....

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