Friday, April 3, 2020

Blog post 2:
"the first key to wisdom is constant doubting we are led to inquiry by inquiry we discern the truth."-peter abeland (1079-1142)

"it is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers."- James Thurber(1894-1961)

what does the first quote mean?: I believe that it is saying the more you ask questions the more truth you will get. say that someone cheated on you and the more you grill them the more pressure it will put on them and they will finally crack!

what does the second quote mean?: I think it means that the question is better than the answer because knowing all the answers could cause you pain but if you know the question it can maybe put your mind at ease.

quote 1 in my own words: questioning things so much can lead us to think and think until we finally find out the truth cause we deserved it.

quote 2 in my own words: its better to have a question than to know all the answers to that questions you want to ask.

how do both quotes connect to you and society?: it relates to me a lot with my surgery and my nerve disorder. I had a lot of questions about it when I was younger and wanted to know why did god do this to me? why I thought he loved me? but I personally think that now I don't want to know the answer because it'll hurt more than the question itself. I have opened up and searched for those answers but who knows if they will ever come. it relates to us as society because the whole world is always going to have those burning questions but the answer isn't always what we need we were put on this earth to live life to the fullest but there will always be questions.



  1. I like your answer to the quote is really similar to my own. And I also went through a surgery myself and I wasn't able to do anything for a month remember that the hard times are there to make us stronger.

  2. thanks Kenny I really appreciate this comment. life was a little tough during surgery but I got threw it even with a broken heart from my ex who dumped me after surgery which hurt. but I like to believe it has made me stronger and who I am today thanks!
