Thursday, April 2, 2020

See the source imagealways and forever has always meant something to me because I say it a lot to the people and friends I'm closest with. if I say this to someone it means you are worth a lot in my life and I care about you so when I say this I wouldn't mess up our friendship.
See the source image sunflowers have been in my life for a little while ever since my mom's bestfriend brought me a sunflower after I had my surgery last year it was a sign of hope and that I was strong enough to overcome this struggle. sunflowers also make me smile a lot they just represent happiness and the sun for me and that's always when I'm happiest when I'm in the sun.
   See the source image  love has been a big thing for me to find because my life has not always been the easiest to find someone who loves every part of me. I've had lots of struggles and I still cant find someone that will be that and be there for me. I have learned a lot through past relationships there is someone out there for everyone even me.
See the source image Butterflies are so beautiful and majestic to me they are so light and go just about anywhere and do what they want. I admire that because I need to have the remembrance that I can do anything I want and go out and conquer the world. they can just fly away sometimes I need that I just want to do that myself so I'm a little jealous.
See the source image I love the movie Rapunzel and painting it makes me happy and content and it is very therapeutic. I have painted before but I just recently got really into it I have painted a total of 4 paintings so far. Rapunzel does a lot of painting and I hope to paint on my walls one day when I have my own house.
See the source imagemusic has been apart of me all my life its really what makes me who I am. my whole family on my moms side of the family sings or plays some sort of instrument so you can say I grew up with it. I always am singing in my house at the store if I know a song on the intercom I sing everywhere and I also love all types of music. I listened to the Beatles when I was little thanks to my grandpa.


  1. I Know you'll find your compliment you'll be even happier knowing it was worth the wait. Btw what's your favorite butterfly, mines the blue morpho.

    1. thanks everyone will find there compliment as you say and I know its worth the wait. I don't really have a favorite one just love butterflies in general.

  2. I love Rapunzel too! That movie is great. And butterflies are so very beautiful, they are very cool insects.

  3. yeah Rapunzel is a really good movie I like how independent she is from the beginning she's a good roll model for younger girls!
    butterflies are so beautiful I always say that if I'm getting engaged it will be in a sunflower field or a butterfly garden LOL.

  4. Nice post, I also love music its a good stress reliever for me. Also too i hate bugs even butterflies.

    1. I hate bugs as well but I don't really like to consider a butterfly to be a bug its weird. yeah I've noticed a lot of people did music but I feel like I was born and raised in it that it helps get through the tuff times!

  5. Rapunzel is a great movie! Also music is great outlet!! Though when talking about love; most things like that come when your not looking for it. So try not looking and just waiting and living you life as if it will come to you eventually and when it does you'll know it did.

    1. Rapunzel is an amazing movie I just wish they made her like merida where she didn't need a man. I know that true love will come eventually!:)

  6. I like how you use beautiful pictures and share nice messages it has a positive vibe 👍

    1. thanks James! I always try to have a positive attitude about everything isn't always perfect. but hey life want meant to be perfect it was meant to have bumps you just have to learn from them.

  7. Like your post and yeah you already know music is also my thinggg. Also the little chameleon from Rapunzel my favorite character from the movie. :$

    1. yeah I saw that a lot of people put music but I like it because we have all our differences when it comes to why we like it. pascal is the cutest thing about the movie and the funny horse!

  8. I love this is its very well done and I agree with you about music and butterflies ! Super relieveing

    1. thanks nat I appreciate it! yes butterflies and music are definitely the vibe.

  9. You know how big on love I am as well, it’s a fascinating feeling. Also I do believe friendship plays a big role in our society.

    1. love and friendship are my two main things if I cant love the person I'm with then I at least want to gain them as a friend. we all know I have a lot of those!

  10. Aww kylie this was so cute ❤️ I believe in “Always & Forever “ as well. Don’t worry love , it takes time until you find the right one and your time will come 💗 don’t rush it so you know it’s genuine. Stay beautiful ❤️❤️

    1. I actually just did a painting that says always and forever haven't had a chance to put it up though. I realize that everything in my life is rushed I just need to slow it down and take it one day at a time. your the beautiful one lei!!!

  11. I loveeeee sunflowers, you should show us some of your paintings!!!

    1. I will definitely be putting up some of my paintings I really like doing them to get my mind off things. sunflowers are honestly the absolute best!!!
